Connect Groups
Columbia Group (Tuesdays)
Join us as we take a deep dive into the book of Ephesians and learn more about who we are in Christ.
Tuesdays at 7 PM
Open to all
Meeting at Pastor Mitch’s home in Columbia
Led by: John Mitchell
Wednesday Study Group
We meet together to study a book of the Bible or do a Christian book study to build deeper relationships with God and each other.
Currently studying 1 Samuel
Wednesdays at 6:45 PM
Open to all
Meeting at church
Led by: Mark Taylor
Thursday Online Study
Resuming on January 23 at 7pm
Thursdays at 7 PM
Open to all
Meeting online
Led by Pastor John and others
Men’s Friday Morning
Study is Knowing God by J. I. Packer
Friday mornings 6:30 - 8:00 AM
Open to all men
Meeting at church
Led by: Tim Hardman
Men’s Saturday Morning
Study is The Gospel of Luke
Saturday mornings at 7 AM
Open to all men
Meeting at Tim Hardman’s
Led by: Tim Hardman
(Young Adult Group)
A group that's just paddling through life together enjoying God’s Word and fun activities.
Currently studying Acts
Saturdays at 10 AM
Meeting at church
Led by: James Elmendorf
Sunday Adult Bible Class
This Sunday morning class meets before the church service
Currently studying Apologetics (what we believe and why)
Sundays from 9:00 - 9:45 AM
Open to all
Meeting at church
Led by: John Mitchell
Sunday Morning Prayer Group
We will pray over our service together and about any personal needs that are shared with the group.
Sunday mornings in the Kid Connection Room
9:15 AM - room open for sharing requests
9:25 AM - Prayer time begins
Open to all
Led by: Sumeet Dave