Outreach & Missions

CrossLife knows we have a mission that is commissioned to us by God. We are to share the love and good news of Jesus Christ to everyone. We organize our mission around an Acts 1:8 strategy.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:8 (ESV)

Outreach Opportunities at Ducketts Lane

Family Fun and Fitness Night - Thursday, March 27, 5:30-7:30 pm We will be assisting with games and hosting an information table. You can also provide a healthy snack but must submit your recipe in advance for approval (allergy concerns).

Career Day - Wednesday, April 2 (during the school day). DLES is looking for community members to talk about their careers with the students.

CrossLife Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, April 12, 11 am. Click here to sign up as a volunteer or a participant.

Upcoming Mission Trips

The hurricanes of 2024 have moved on, but the human impact remains. CrossLife is going on a week long, construction-oriented mission trip to North Carolina. Please keep our team in your prayers as they seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus in North Carolina from March 30 - April 4.

Carol McGinnis is joining a team heading to the DR. If you would like to join this trip in June, please see Carol.

Sharing the love of Christ to our local and surrounding communities. We do this mostly through partnerships with schools and providing community events.  

Our Jerusalem & Judea Mission:

Ducketts Lane Elementary School

We have reached out to Ducketts Lane in a variety of areas including Easter Egg Hunts, Good News Clubs, and Teacher Appreciation. We’ve also had the opportunity to bless individual families through Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas gifts.

Local agencies we support

Sharing the love of Christ to people outside our immediate community but within our country.

Our Samaria Mission:

Broken Wall Project Church Plant

We are directly involved in Church Planting. We pray with The Broken Wall Project as they minister to southeast Baltimore. Church Planter Ron Willoughby and his wife Barbara live in the community and work closely with North Bend Elementary School. Look for more information at brokenwallproject.org. Also, here is a link to an interview one of our missionaries, Scott, did with one of our new friends, Terell.

North American Church Planting

We are associated with the North America Mission Board (NAMB), Baptist Convention of Maryland / Delaware (BCM/D), and Mid-Maryland Baptist Association (MMBA). Through these organizations we partner and financially support planting churches and the spreading of the Good News of Jesus at home and around the World.

Sharing the love of Christ outside the border of our country. We have an ongoing partnership with several overseas missions.

Our Ends of The Earth Mission:

Dominican Republic

We have sent a mission team almost every year for the past 15 years.

We are involved in international mission sending teams to Hananneel, Mexico; to Chile. We currently we have a partnership with MIVA (Ministerio Infantile Viva Amor, Children’s Ministry Love Alive) in Pimentel, Dominican Republic. Their school teaches over 200 children in grades K-8. The children receive basic education, the love of Christ, and two meals a day. You can sponsor a child at CERINFA by going to pimentelproject.org.

Carol McGinnis is joining a team heading to the DR June 9-17, 2025. Please contact Carol if you are interested in attending.

Davoll Family - Missionaries in Ecuador

CrossLife supports the Davoll Family in Ecuador as they work to plant churches, preach Christ, and minister to the Ecuadorian police and firefighters. Connect with their website to see what they are currently up to!

The Davolls are currently trying to get a Bible in the hands of every Ecuadorian police officer. If you would like to help them in this endeavor, you can send a check to the address below or click the button to give online at ABWE.

ABWE Donor Services      
PO Box 8585 | Harrisburg, PA 17105
Memo: Davoll O+P Bibles

International Mission Board

The IMB is the foreign mission board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through their Cooperative Program and a special offering (Lottie Moon) we are able to send over 4000 missionaries around the world.