Our Mission is to help people release their Hearts to God!
Our Vision
The vision of CrossLife Community Church is to be a place where Christ is honored, and disciples are made; “people releasing their hearts to God.” Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will strive to make this evident as we journey together loving one another, learning and growing in faith, and sharing of the good news of Jesus locally and globally.
Our Core Values
We are God’s family, following God’s Word, loving deeply, giving generously, and encouraging one another.
We believe we are all broken and our desire is to bring God’s unconditional love to all who seek it.
We are committed to God’s far-reaching plan of redemption and will use our God-given gifts to help others.
We whole-heartily expect our Heavenly Father to unleash His power through prayer, fully trusting Him for all things.
We seek to live our faith trusting the God we cannot see over the reality we can.
We honor Christ and His church. If we don’t live with integrity, nothing else matters.
We know that there is nothing more rewarding then serving God with people you love. Our God brings us joy allowing us to laugh hard and often.
We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God and the only source of truth.